Where Can I Serve?
We welcome and encourage volunteers to serve for the purpose of Glorifying God. No church can exist without volunteers. There are vast opportunities of service in the Church and beyond Church services. We desire for you to become a ‘servant of Christ’ but above all, to know Christ as Savior.
Missions Outreach
Our Church takes seriously the ‘Great Commission’ (Matthew 28:18-20). Through prayer and sacrificial giving, The Oates Drive family supports Missionaries across the globe. For example, we support missionaries in The Philippines, Guatemala, Colombia and Samaritan’s Purse (Operation Christmas Child) and Texas Baptist Men. Our Church collects shoeboxes all year long and serves as a Collection Center the week before Thanksgiving, that culminates with thousands and thousands of shoeboxes filled with toys and clothing items that are distributed all over the world. Above all, we know our Missionaries are preaching and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
There is no substitute for Christ-honoring Worship. Worship begins in the heart that focuses on the Glory of Lord Jesus Christ. ‘Worship can be Holy Ground, a Battleground or Playground. We seek to honor the Lord in all that we do in our worship through our vocals, instruments and carefully selecting words and music that honor the Holiness and Power of our Lord. Oates Drive uses a healthy mixture of Hymns and Worship music, believing that the lyrics are just as important as the music. Our music ministry does an excellent job of selecting Worship that is Biblical in it’s message and powerful in penetrating the heart.
Media & Technology
Our world faces new challenges, but also new opportunities to share the Gospel. Our Facebook and website strive to broadcast and store sermons and teaching series. As Social media and technology change, we strive to change and improve as well. We do not change the Message of the Bible, but we seek to be innovative and creative.
Prayer Warriors
Jesus commanded us to ‘Watch and Pray.’ Jesus purposely withdrew into the wilderness’ (Luke 5:16 or rose up ‘early in the morning to Pray’ (Mark 1:35). The Disciples went to Jesus and said, ‘Lord teach us to pray’ (Luke 11). Our Church understands the power and priority of prayer. We meet Wednesdays at 6:30 to voice prayer for our our Church, our community and our Nation. If you have a prayer need, please contact us. We count it a privilege to pray. I Samuel 12:23 says, ‘Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you; but I will teach you the good and right way.’
Children’s Church
Our children’s church exists for the purpose of introducing children (Grades 1-5) to The Word and Worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. The goal is to instruct the children in the ‘way of righteousness’ and teaching them the unconditional love of Jesus. Our Children’s church will resume once it is safe to meet again due to Covid 19.
Youth Ministry
Oates Drive seeks to minister to youth (Grades 6-12) by teaching them the Word of God so they can incorporate His truth into their daily lives. Youth face tremendous struggles and pressures in an ever growing world and we want to meet those challenges. In addition to Bible Studies on Sunday mornings (9:30 a.m.) and Wednesdays (6:30 p.m.), we seek to minister to youth through camps, retreats and fellowship activities.
Want To Serve?
We encourage you to contact us below so that we can provide you more information as to how you can volunteer with us!